Mauricio Torrescano was born in Mexico City, he is best known for his modeling clay artwork. Self taugh he has mastered different art techniques in painting and sculpture, and this drives him to develop this technique in which he can do both disciplines at the same time creating colorful, textured and volume artwork were you can’t define if it’s a painting or sculpture, it’s both.


His artwork style is Fusionism, the fusion of painting and sculpture in a single technique and material where different art styles as abstract, impressionism, surre- alism, realism are into one artwork in which reality and fantasy are combined with textures, colors and volumes that opens more possibilities into art.




Everything is about decisions in life.... When you are an artist, there is a time of decision that is fundamental for your career and you have to decide to be painter or sculptor, but when I get to that point, I can’t decide so I choose to do both disciplines at the same time in a single material that is Modeling clay. Yes that material that you use since you are a child to play with or when you becomes sculptor you use it as a base of the creation, never the final artwork, and this is because you think that it’s a fragile material, that won’t last, that it will melt, and it’s kind of just disposable material, but when I discover that I can give color as the painting does, but all the textures and volume that you can reach with sculpture and that is a material that last longer than oil painting because of it’s composition, then I knew that I have endless posibilities and the best of all I don’t have to choose...



Over time my art focus on experimenting different visual effects and the boundaries of the material, so I went through landscapes, animals, human expression and objects discovering new effects and developing the technique.



So it was time of decisions again... the style of art that I will create, so I choose to fusion the best styles for me in art, as Impressionism, Surrealism, Realism, pointillism and pop art in a single artwork creating an artistic style that I call Fusionism and the result of this perform blends the fantasy and reality in a single artwork that is powerful in textures, volumes, color and expressions, for me is a tribute to life and the wonderful things involved.

I choose to get the best of art because art is my air and I can’t choose another way of breathing.